prattle-twaddle-chatter 2.0
Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:35 AM
Dua tiga hari ini aku sangat sedih. Emosi aku lagaknya macam orang putus cinta.
Bangun pagi rasa sedih, tengah breakfast, dinner semua nak sedih, mandi pun nak sedih.
Tengok betapa teruknya keadaan aku kan.. ok ok, exaggerate pula rasanya.
In conclusion, there is this sadness feeling that is so overwhelming.
Dan sebenarnya aku tahu saja sebab apa aku sedih.
Tapi seakannya aku ini lumpuh, tak boleh berbuat apa-apa.
It is not that I can't, it is that maybe I refused to do so. Bahagia dalam kesedihan.
Hahaha.. jangan risau. Aku belum gila lagi.
Sebelum ini aku pernah tulis pasal kegilaan aku pada certain drama.
And my current obsession is Healer.
Sebenarnya, bila dah tengok banyak kali cerita itu, biasa saja. Normal lah, itu semua penceritaan drama, bukannya realiti.
Itulah, bercakap, menulis senang, tapi yang merasanya hati. Itulah, orang dah kata, jangan bagi makanan hati benda-benda yang lagha, yang susahnya diri sendiri juga. Padan muka (kasi penumbuk satu!)
I think (and I know it) that I am a hopelessly romantic person.
I like how the background musics really fit the scene.
And those are some sad songs. They touch that romantic side of my heart.
And without knowing, my tears flow freely whenever I heard the songs.
I am really screwed up, am I? (oh no!)
And so that is why I am so sad this past few days.
Mungkin juga sebab aku period sekarang ini.
Agak malap cahaya keimanan. Bercahayakah? *senyum sedih*
Kita ini lain daripada manusia lain. Memang lain.
Kita ini kan Muslim. Bukankah segalanya berbeza bagi kita kan?
Tujuan hidup kita pun dah berbeza, that is mengabdikan diri pada Tuhan yang satu.
That is why whatever I am doing right now, does not reflect of who I truly am, who I supposed to be.
Now I feel sad because it feels that I am so pathetic.
OK. enough for today. I just want to write something to get off this overwhelming feeling.
Time for my reflections!
For isn't that the rule, fall down seven times, stand up eight?
The true mark of a Muslim is that of infinite persistence!