pasca operative talk 2015

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Wednesday, December 16, 2015 4:52 AM


Selesai exam operative talk *that's right, just a fancy name for the usual oral examination* emosi agaklah tidak stabil sampai pergi membawa diri pergi ke Maadi seorang-seorang *alkisahnya tak pernah serajin begitu*.
Menyinggah  Auntie Anne sebentar, gara-gara kepingin nak makan beef pocket. So, boleh bayanglah macam mana rasa hati bila diorang cakap beef pocket tak ada. Lama jugak aku belek-belek menu lain, tiba-tiba dia cakap boleh buatkan pulak. Terubatlah jugak pilu kat hati *banyak tengok korea kau ni*

Honestly, aku boleh kira berapa words yang aku cakap dengan doktor.
A full sentence pun tak lepas kut.
I wonder if this is how you should perform in an oral exam.
Aku rasa kalau pergi interview kerja, orang pun tak mahu ambil kerja! *kenapa exaggerate sangat awak*

But yes that's how I feel. Aku tak adalah totally blank out. I started badly by choosing a wrong kind of question. Galak sangat nak jawab soalan circumcision kan, hambik engkau, ditanyanya soalan luar alam. Padahal soalan dalam alam pun kau terkebil-kebil. Serius aku lupa term smegma padahal dah baca dah pun sebelum ini.

The best thing out of that incident, aku rasa first time kut aku bersenda gurau dengan Professor. The first question aku jawab saja mengikut hafalan aku, then came the second one, which as far as I remember tak ada dalam buku department. Dah terdetik dalam hati mesti dalam andro ini. Ohmaigod, I am doomed. Aku selawat banyak-banyak dalam hati, aku doa supaya Tuhan lembutkan hati Prof. I tried my hardest untuk fikirkan jawapan, in the end aku bantai juga. Itu pun terjegil biji mata Prof dengar jawapan aku, nak bunuh pesakit ke hape budak ini.

 Ada satu question itu, lama sangat aku terdiam, Prof pun tiba-tiba cakap. "This topic is very difficult question, I don't know why you choose it." Aku pun apa lagi kan. Teruslah dengan nada sedih dan ala-ala coy gitu. " I don't know too doctor. I thought the questions would be easy. I thought you are going to ask about the principles of circumcision *sambil tangan aku terhayun-hayun depan Prof. Hahaha. I proceeded by saying, "Can I change the question doctor?" 

And this is seriously the best outcome I could ever want. Doktor tergelak! Dan aku terkesima dalam dua saat. Terus aku pun gelak sekali dengan dia. Eh eh, lagi dia gelak pulak. Hahaha.. serius itu rasa yang sangat indah dan nyaman. Cute sangat doktor bila gelak. He seems kinder when he laughs.

For some people, maybe it's just ordinary thing that could happen to anyone else.
I know.
That is why I am extremely happy because it happened to me.
I like it the most if I could make someone laugh with the way I talk, the way I act.
I sincerely love it. :)
That is why it is very meaningful to me. It is a very precious memory that I don't want to forget. That is why I wrote it here. So I won't forget it. *it is because I have tendency to forget things! like seriously*

And we proceeded by him asking me to choose what question that I want him to ask.
The atmosphere was getting cheerful and not long after that, he finished asking me questions. 

The end for part 1.


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