Hikmah Of The Day

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Sunday, November 25, 2012 2:50 AM

this feeling, it's like high school all over again. i made my choice to stay where i chose and i'm comfortable with it. it might be wrong, it might be right but that matter does not lie in either of us. let us wait patiently for the day where we shall reap our life's work after a lifelong struggle.


because we will not be asked, "what happened?"

we will be asked, "what did you do?"



once the curtain parts and once the ghaib becomes visible, there is no taubah. too late. the door of taubah remains open as long as the ghaib is ghaib. but the moment the ghaib becomes visible, the moment we see the angels, the door of taubah is closed.

so when is the time to make taubah?

now. right now.

right now as we are sitting here, make taubah. sincerely and seriously make taubah and ask Allah SAW, "O Allah, forgive us for what we had done. we did it without knowing, we did not do it because we are rebellious against You, we did not do it because we want to irritate You or anger You. we did it because we are weak, we did it because we are enslaved to our nafs and syaitaan. O Allah, we make taubah. insyaAllah, O Allah help us, we will not go back to those things again no matter who said what."


Yes and No

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:53 AM

 Excerpt from the Book "You can be the happiest woman in the world"

To every Muslim woman who is content with Allaah as her Lord, Islam as her religion and Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) as her Prophet.

To every girl who follows the path of truth, who carried the message of sincerity.

To every teacher who strives by means of her words to convey knowledge and values, and has purified her soul.

To every mother who brings her children up to fear Allaah and to follow the Sunnah, and makes virtue dear to them.

To every woman who is burdened with worried and sadness.

Rejoice and receive the glad tidings of a way-out at hand, the care of Allaah, a great reward and expiation of sins.


Yes to your beautiful smile that sends a message of warmth and friendliness to others.

Yes to your kind words that establish friendship as permitted in Islam and dispel rancour.

Yes to acceptable charity that brings happiness to the poor and feeds the hungry.

Yes to sitting with the Qur'an, reciting it, pondering its meanings and acting upon them, and repenting and seeking forgiveness.

Yes to remembering Allaah a great deal and praying for forgiveness, persisting in dua'a and offering sincere repentance.

Yes to raising your children in Islam, teaching them the Sunnah and guiding them to that which will benefit them.

Yes to modesty and hijaab as enjoined by Allaah, which is the means of self-protection.

Yes to the friendship of good women who fear Allaah, love Islam and respect high values.

Yes to honouring one's parents, upholding the ties of kinship, honouring one's neighbours and caring for orphans.

Yes to reading useful, interesting and beneficial books.


No to wasting time in trivial pursuits, and love of revenge and futile arguments.

No to giving priority to money and accumulation of wealth over one's health, happiness, sleep and peace of mind.

No to seeking out other people's faults and backbitting about them, whilst forgetting one's own faults.

No to indulging in physical pleasure and giving in to every whim and desire.

No to wasting time with shallow people and spending hours in idle pursuits.

No to neglecting physical hygiene and cleanliness in the house, and being disorganized at home.

No to haraam drinks, cigarettes, narghile ("hookah pipes"), and all foul things.

No to thinking of past calamities and dwelling on past mistakes.

No to forgetting the Hereafter and neglecting to strive for it, and to being careless of what will happen in the Hereafter.

No to wasting money on haraam things, being extravagant with regard to permissible things, and falling short in acts of worship.

#Selawat $Jumuah

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Friday, November 9, 2012 3:16 AM

this is taken from facebook~ from akhi baihaqi hassan..


Syeikh Yusri hafizahullah pernah menerangkan selawat kepada Al-Habib Rasulullah SAW dengan penerangan yang cukup indah. Kata syeikh Yusri,

"Perbanyakkanlah selawat kepada baginda SAW. Ini kerana, Selawat adalah amalan yang DITERIMA oleh Allah walaupun dilakukan dengan hati yang LALAI kerana HUBUNGANNYA YANG KUAT dengan Rasulullah SAW, sedangkan Allah tidak akan memandang kepadamu jika kamu LALAI
dalam melakukan ibadah yang lain."

Tambah Syeikh Yusri lagi,
"Allah telah menciptakan MALAIKAT KHUSUS untuk mencari orang yang berselawat kepada Rasulullah SAW di setiap tempat, masa dan keadaan. Malaikat ini akan menyampaikan selawat kepada baginda SAW yang masih HIDUP, di kubur baginda SAW. NAMA kamu akan disebut kepada baginda Rasulullah SAW. Adakah kamu tidak merasa bahagia jika namamu dan kata-katamu disampaikan kepada baginda? Bahkan, baginda SAW akan terus menjawab selawat itu dengan menDOAkan kamu."

Allahumma Solli 'Ala Muhammad
so, apa lagi? moreover, today is Jumuah :) let's shalawat banyak2 ^_^
Allahumma Solli A'la Muhammad~

I have learnt...

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Wednesday, November 7, 2012 9:06 AM

I have learnt that loneliness is not so bad as many of us perceive sometimes its indeed best to be alone...to introspect, to check, to plan, to ponder, some battles of life are to be fought on our own..
without anyone’s help or aid.

I have learnt that the most powerful thing that make or break mountains is faith ...what makes few people so remarkably great is their determination and faith in them.

I have learnt that among all the keys to success, the most important are perseverance and sustainability...getting on top of peak is easier than remaining on that level.

I have learnt that what we choose today builds our future for tomorrow...our choices reflect what we truly are and not really our capabilities and skills.

I have learnt that life always shows us wonderful illusions..it’s easy to get distracted but what is difficult is to see right through those false appearances.

I have learnt that it is not skin or looks that make someone beautiful but it is kindness, compassion and love in heart that makes someone so beautiful.

I have learnt to love myself, to be myself and to be grateful of what had been given to me throughout my life. ^_^


night pray ~

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Monday, November 5, 2012 5:34 AM

Praying at night is only for Allaah's chosen few!

"Do not commit sin during the day, and He will help you to stand before Him at night, for your standing before Him at night is one of the greatest honours, and the sinner does not deserve that honour."

- Ibraheem ibn Adham (rahimahullah) -


so, are we among the chosen people? T__T

never forget these two in your life ; Duaa and Repentance.
may ALLAH forgives all our sin


The feeling when you just cannot translate the storm raging inside your brain or the heartache inside you, when words simply fail you but there is so much feeling deep in your heart and you silently believe it is known even when you could not find the exact words. #Du'a 


i miss Australia :(
Ya ALLAH, tsabatkan mereka di jalan-Mu.  

muhasabah chenta :((

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Saturday, November 3, 2012 10:32 AM

"Belum tibakah waktunya bagi orang-orang yang beriman, untuk secara khusyuk mengingat Allah dan mematuhi kebenaran yang telah diwahyukan (kepada mereka) dan janganlah mereka (berlaku) seperti orang-orang yang telah menerima kitab sebelum itu, kemudian mereka melalui masa yang panjang sehingga hati mereka menjadi keras. Dan banyak di antara mereka menjadi orang-orang yang fasik."
[al-Hadid, 57:16]


"Apabila mereka dilemparkan ke dalamnya mereka mendengar suara neraka yang mengerikan, sedang neraka itu membara, hampir meledak kerana marah. Setiap kali ada sekumpulan (orang-orang kafir) dilemparkan ke dalamnya, penjaga-penjaga (neraka itu) bertanya kepada mereka, 'Apakah belum pernah ada orang yang datang memberi peringatan kepadamu?'"

[al-Mulk, 67:7-8]

Air mata mengalir laju...

mujahadah mujahadah mujahadah :)

Posted by Mademoiselle Sophie , Friday, November 2, 2012 12:32 PM

Ya Allah
Rebahkanlah tubuh ini dalam keampunanMu, perlindunganMu, penjagaanMu dan tetap dalam keimanan serta ketakwaan kepadaMu.

Ya Allah
bersihkanlah pikiran dan hatiku, agar diriku bisa semakin dekat denganMu. Dan bisa menjalani hari-hariku menjadi lebih indah, bahagia dan semangat.

Ya Allah
lelapkanlah diriku dalam syukurku kepadaMu dan bangunkanlah di sepertiga malam agar bisa menjalankan sunah utamaMu.


mujahadah itu perit.
sebab syurga itu indah.

kata nak masuk syurga
tapi tak sudi nak susah2 kat dunia. 

segala apa yang ALLAH tegah
semua untuk kebaikan diri.
ALLAH tahu itu sebab Dia lah Pencipta manusia itu sendiri.

sudah-sudahlah menyombong di dunia.
sudah-sudahlah berlegar2 dengan maksiat itu.
jom istighfar banyak2. setiap detik. kita istighfar yuk.
lazimi zikrullah. susah awalnya sebab kita tak hayati makna zikr yang kita lafazkan itu.

tapi, di situlah teruji mujahadah kita.
mujahadah untuk menahan diri dari melakukan maksiat.
mujahadah untuk istiqamah dalam amal2 kebaikan.

yakin! ALLAH itu Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim.
takut bila fikir kemurkaan, azab ALLAH.
lega, rasa bersemangat bila fikir Rahman dan Rahim nya Allah 
walau berjuta kali jatuh futur, jangan putus asa dengan rahmat Ilahi.
Bila ALLAH rahmati kita, maknanya ALLAH redha kita.
Yuk lagi, kita mohon, rayu, rintih, buatlah macam mana pun..
sampai ALLAH rahmati kita, redhai kita.
sebab itu lah penyebab kita dapat masuk syurga :)


i wrote this for myself.
i want to be able to read it again.
to remind myself again.
what i have said, and have it done already?
life is a mysterious path.
the mystery of the future scared the hell out of me
but knowing that i am not alone to pave my road
calms me. :)
i want to keep being a believer.
in fact, i want to be a true believer :)
and i pray that ALLAH guides my way, yours and all :)) 

p/s: pesan seorang ukhti, cari satu zikir yang boleh bg kasi sentap hati! contoh; zikir ALLAHU AKBAR (ALLAH Maha Besar), bayangkan kebesaran ALLAH.. selamat beramal dengan seikhlas mungkin lillah only :D